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Her name is Bombette Martin. That’s right, Bombette. Trust us, it’s on her birth certificate. It may have something to do with her Dad, Bomber, who’s a retired British boxer. Bombette is a teen skateboarding phenom from New York who hopes to make her Olympic dreams come true by representing Great Britain under the bright lights in the next Olympic Summer Games. 

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While the origins of the skateboarding trace back to the 1940s, it didn’t become an official Olympic sport until 2020. GoodSport is following Bombette as she rolls toward her high-flying goal.

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Bombette is only four years into her athletic journey which started when her competitive streak rose up, “I was 9 years old when I started skating. I had a board since I was 3 years old, but I never used it. My brother one day took it to the skate park and then I wanted to try it as well, and I’ve been skating ever since.” she said.

It has been quite a fun ride so far. She has competed all over the world and rubbed elbow pads with some great people. Imagine meeting your idol and she is only 15. That happened when Bombette crossed paths with Bryce Wettstein recently. They first met on a skate trip in California. Bryce offered advice on how to overcome the fear of dropping into a vert ramp. She had Bombette sliding down a huge 14-foot ramp on her butt and, in no time, Bombette went from tears to giggles. Skater girls are much more about sharing than staring. 

Whether with her role models or on her own, Bombette believes that observation improves performance. Her approach is simple, “a lot of it is just watching other people and it is like, ‘Oh, I want to learn that,’ and lots of different tricks can come from it. Anyone I see, I think, ‘that’s a cool trick,’ and it will inspire me to learn something new.”

Stay tuned for updates on Bombette’s quest.

Photo CreditsPexelsInstagram
